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L’île du Prince-Édouard

Prince Edward Island Business Women’s Association

The Prince Edward Island Business Women’s Association (PEIBWA) is a dynamic network of women entrepreneurs and business professionals from across PEI.

The organization’s membership represents women at all stages of their careers and businesses - from start-up entrepreneurs, established business owners, and mid-career business professionals, to dynamic rural entrepreneurs, newcomers launching their businesses, students, and more.

A member-based not-for-profit organization, PEIBWA has a mandate to educate, empower and inspire PEI women to succeed in their business endeavours.

It is the only women’s business association with an Island-wide mandate in the province. PEIBWA provides advisory services, training, opportunities for development, and connections with other women in business.

Services ou produits offerts
  • Loan Partner
  • Advising
  • Formation aux affaires

YW Calgary

YW Calgary is the largest and longest serving women’s organization in Calgary. Through its more than 108 year history, the organization has touched tens of thousands of lives and evolved its programs to meet the changing needs of women in the community. YW offers a continuum of programs and services for women, and their families, who are struggling with poverty, homelessness, family violence and isolation.

YW Calgary also offers programs and services that are designed to help vulnerable women find stability, then build the skills and confidence they need to make permanent, positive change in their lives. There are also programs for children and men, as well as services to help women and men overcome language barriers.

The PowerUp Program is offered to women interested in exploring entrepreneurship. Information on this program is found here:

Services ou produits offerts
  • Skills Training
  • Mentorship
  • Formation aux affaires

YWCA Metro Vancouver

YWCA Metro Vancouver is a registered charity, gender equity advocate and community service provider. We deliver affordable housing, early learning and child care, training and employment services, and a range of holistic programs that help support individual, collective and economic wellbeing. We boldly envision a just and equitable world for women, families and allies. We advance gender equity alongside women, families, Two-Spirit and gender diverse people through advocacy and integrated services that help support personal, collective and economic wellbeing.

Services ou produits offerts
  • Skills Training
  • Mentorship
  • Formation aux affaires

Community Futures Fraser Fort George

Community Futures Fraser Fort George invests in people and ideas. We provide business support to entrepreneurs in Prince George, Mackenzie, McBride, Valemount and the surrounding rural areas in BC. We can assist business owners, or those considering to become a small business owner, with attaining business loans, creating a business plan, and accessing tools and resources for the different challenges and opportunities small business owners may face. In 2019 Community Futures Fraser Fort George championed a Women Entrepreneurship Eco-System Project which we had named LEAP for Women. The Leadership & Entrepreneurship Accelerator Program (LEAP) was designed to assist women to break down barriers in starting or expanding their businesses, and it continues to provide various opportunities to bring under-represented groups together to connect and to gain experiences that will encourage them to step out of their comfort zone and take on new challenges.

Services ou produits offerts
  • Skills Training
  • Formation aux affaires

YWCA Moncton

YWCA Moncton is a chapter of the national YWCA movement, which focuses on empowering women, girls, Two-Spirit and gender diverse people. For over 100 years, it has worked to advance gender equity through national advocacy and community action. Its goals include stopping gender-based violence, creating affordable housing and pushing for workplace equity.

Among its education and employment programs includes YW Employment My Way, a 12-week employment training program for women and gender-diverse individuals to build a business model for their current or future businesses. Workshop topics include how to do market research, financial literacy, marketing and communications, and more. The program also includes one-on-one training sessions and peer-support activities.

Services ou produits offerts
  • Skills Training
  • Advising
  • Formation aux affaires

Community Development Council Durham

CDCD is dedicated to addressing regional community development needs and shaping effective policies. Among its standout initiatives is the Newcomer Women's Entrepreneurship Program, a tailored resource for immigrant women aspiring to launch or expand small businesses. Through a comprehensive approach, the program offers virtual and in-person workshops, networking events, and valuable marketplace opportunities, providing essential tools for success. This initiative exemplifies CDCD's commitment to fostering entrepreneurship as a catalyst for inclusive and vibrant community development.

More than an informational resource, the Newcomer Women's Entrepreneurship Program is a transformative experience. By blending educational components with practical opportunities, the program empowers participants to navigate the complexities of being a newcomer in Canada wanting to pursue entrepreneurship. This holistic approach aligns with CDCD's broader mission, ensuring that individuals, regardless of background, have the support and resources needed to thrive.

Services ou produits offerts
  • Skills Training
  • Mentorship
  • Formation aux affaires

North Forge

North Forge is the innovation partner for the Province of Manitoba and a not-for-profit business incubator accelerator that works with startups across Canada in science, technology, and advanced manufacturing.

We have worked with over 300 companies in the past 26 months and have created hundreds of jobs. Armed with one of North America’s largest, not-for-profit publicly accessible Fabrication Fab (FabLabTM), we operate out of over 25,000 sf across Innovation Drive and Innovation Alley here in Winnipeg. We also have locations in Pinawa and Thompson.

Services ou produits offerts
  • Advising
  • Formation aux affaires
  • Accès aux capitaux

Community Futures Grande Prairie & Region

Community Futures Grande Prairie & Region has been a regional Economic Development hub since opening in 1986. Throughout the past 36 years, CF, as a grass roots, board led, organization has continually met its clientele where they are at. The organization has served more than 50,000 entrepreneurs, 7 municipal councils, 100s of partners and more than 300 nonprofit organizations.

CFGP has successfully operated provincial programs such as the Self Employment program, Youth Connections, regional and private sector projects such as Shell LiveWIRE, focused on Indigenous entrepreneurship, SMARTStart for startups, Growing the North Conference, and several smaller projects that were necessitated by local need.

Recently, CFGP has engaged in new programs to support women, via the CGI (Capital Growth Initiative) loans program in partnership with the province, to support innovators via the Grande Prairie Regional Innovation Network (GPRIN) and work collaboratively with local, regional, provincial, and federal counterparts to leverage resources and time to support the large goal of Community Economic Development.

March 2022 saw CFGP&R host the first annual Hyperdrive Women in Business Summit in Jasper, AB alongside numerous partners and CF stakeholders. Hyperdrive is a summit designed to support businesses and entrepreneurs in developing their skills, tools, and workforce as we build and diversify the local economies of scale in Alberta. With the summit, CF looks to inspire, promote thoughtful conversations, provide strategies for success, training, and resources directly to the business community. The networks forged during the 3 days event will effectively new tools to the entrepreneurs’ toolkit for success.

Services ou produits offerts
  • Formation aux affaires
  • Accès aux capitaux

L’association des femmes autochthones du Canada

#BeTheDrum est un programme de sensibilisation à l’entrepreneuriat et de navigation élaboré par l’Association des femmes autochtones du Canada (AFAC). Il s’agit d’une initiative de renforcement des compétences pour les femmes autochtones, les personnes bispirituelles, transgenres et de diverses identités de genre qui naviguent dans les espaces des affaires, de la gestion et de l’entrepreneuriat.

Notre programme repose sur quatre piliers:

  • Soutien individuel à la navigation.
  • Cercles de soutien par les pairs.
  • Ateliers et activités de réseautage.
  • Séances de questions et réponses en direct sur les médias sociaux.

Nous sommes des contributeurs, des inventeurs, des artisans et, surtout, des résolveurs de problèmes. #BeTheDrum est un appel à tous les entrepreneurs autochtones actuels et potentiels. Grâce à votre détermination, renforcée par notre mentorat, nous créerons des solutions pour faire avancer nos nations et pour aider nos collectivités à tracer une nouvelle voie vers la prospérité.

Services ou produits offerts
  • Skills Training
  • Advising
  • Mentorship

YWCA Hamilton

YWCA Hamilton women’s entrepreneurship programs support new and existing Ontario businesses with one-on-one coaching, business plan training, mentoring and digital support services.

Services ou produits offerts
  • Skills Training
  • Mentorship
  • Formation aux affaires

Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada

The Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada (APF Canada) is a not-for-profit organization focused on Canada’s relations with Asia and deepening engagement between Canada and Asia. Established by an Act of Parliament in 1984, APF Canada is dedicated to strengthening ties between Canada and Asia. Our research and engagement provides high-quality, relevant, and timely information, insights, and perspectives on Canada-Asia relations.

The APF Canada, Central Canada Office team has been leading trade missions specifically aimed at supporting Canadian women entrepreneurs find new markets in Asia since 2019. Supported by the private sector and the Government of Canada, through the Women Entrepreneurship Strategy Ecosystem Fund, the missions provide Canadian women-led or -owned companies with the support to access markets in the Asia Pacific through pre-mission training, B2B connections, and public conferences with high-level speakers. The 2023 mission is titled Smarter Living: The Canadian Women-only Business Mission to South Korea and Thailand. This mission is the Foundation’s first gender-based business mission to Southeast Asia and the Indo-Pacific region in the 2023-2025 mission series, Northeast X Southeast: Advancing Partnerships Between Canada and Asia, and the seventh since launching our efforts aimed at supporting women entrepreneurs grow their businesses globally. For upcoming opportunties, see APF Canada's full list of business missions to Asia for women and gender-diverse entrepreneurs.

Building on the trade mission series, APF Canada has launched CanWIN, the Canadian Women’s International Network, to connect women thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and gender equality organizations to advance economic equality and empower Canadian women entrepreneurs through engagement with international growth markets in Asia.

Services ou produits offerts
  • Formation aux affaires

Community Futures BC

Community Futures British Columbia is the provincial association for the Community Futures Development Network of Canada. Through our 34 member offices, we provide business services and loans to new and experienced entrepreneurs in rural and remote communities, and we’ve been doing it since 1992. Since 1997 our Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program (EDP) has made it easier for entrepreneurs with disabilities or ongoing health conditions to pursue their business goals by providing access to a network of business professionals and resources. Using a GBA+ lens EDP is built on the intersectionality of diversification of our participants and equitable supports. The EDP program supports to a wide cross-section of entrepreneurs in both urban and rural communities throughout the province.

Services ou produits offerts
  • Advising
  • Formation aux affaires
  • Accès aux capitaux

Centre for Women in Business

Des rêves d'entreprise ? Vous êtes arrivé au bon endroit.

Le Centre for Women in Business se consacre à aider les femmes propriétaires d'entreprise et entrepreneures à travers le Canada à réussir grâce à l'exposition, à la connexion et à l'apprentissage.

Des conseils commerciaux individuels et de la formation professionnelle aux programmes de réseautage et d'adhésion, nous aidons nos clients à lancer de nouvelles idées commerciales, à propulser les entreprises établies vers de nouveaux niveaux de réussite et à prospérer en tant que propriétaires, PDG et leaders de l'industrie.

Nous existons pour aider les femmes propriétaires d'entreprise dans toutes les phases du développement de leur entreprise.

Services ou produits offerts
  • Skills Training
  • Formation des compétences
  • Mentorship
  • Formation aux affaires
Partout au Canada

Small Scale Food Processor Association

Small Scale Food Processor Association est une association commerciale nationale de transformateurs, de producteurs et de fournisseurs de produits alimentaires et agricoles. Nous aidons nos membres à développer leurs activités et les économies locales. La SSFPA assure le leadership, l'éducation, le marketing, la mise en réseau et la défense des intérêts pour favoriser la réussite sur un marché mondial concurrentiel.

Translated with DeepL

Services ou produits offerts
  • Formation des compétences
  • Formation aux affaires


Oeuvrant dans les 17 régions du Québec, Evol est une organisation qui a pour mission de contribuer directement à la création, à la croissance et à l’acquisition d'entreprises qui ont un impact positif sur la société.

Issue de l’évolution de l’organisation Femmessor qui compte plus de 25 ans d’expérience en développement de l’entrepreneuriat inclusif, Evol met son expertise en financement et en accompagnement au profit des entreprises d’impact et des entreprises qui souhaitent mettre en place des pratiques de développement durable alignées sur les 17 objectifs de l’ONU (ODD).

Plus spécifiquement, Evol offre du financement sous forme de prêts conventionnels et propose différents services d’accompagnement conçus sur mesure pour répondre aux besoins des entrepreneur·e·s en matière d’autoévaluation, de services-conseils, de formation et de codéveloppement.

Services ou produits offerts
  • Formation des compétences
  • Conseiller
  • Accès aux capitaux

Trenval Business Development Corporation

Trenval aide les petites entreprises de la région de Belleville, Quinte West, Stirling-Rawdon, Tyendinaga et Deseronto depuis 1987 et a investi plus de 32 millions de dollars dans les petites entreprises, ce qui a eu un impact sur plus de 4 000 emplois grâce aux recommandations de partenaires, aux services de conseil et aux ressources d'investissement.

Services ou produits offerts
  • Formation des compétences
  • Formation aux affaires
  • Accès aux capitaux

Femmes en affairs Nouveau-Brunswick – Women in Business New Brunswick

Permier point de contact des femmes entrepreneurs du Nouveau-Brunswick, Femmes en affaires N.-B. (FANB) aiguille et appuie leur réussite.

Services ou produits offerts
  • Mentorship
  • Formation aux affaires
  • Conseiller
Women in Business NB-Femmes en Affaires NB-logo

Community Futures Manitoba

Les bureaux de Community Futures offrent des prêts, des services-conseils et du soutien aux propriétaires d’entreprises des régions rurales. Nous travaillons avec les entrepreneurs à toutes les phases de développement de leur entreprise. Community Futures encourage activement un développement économique communautaire qui favorise la diversité et la durabilité au sein des communautés. Les associations Community Futures Manitoba (CFM) et Community Futures Saskatchewan (CFS) représentent des organismes sans but lucratif indépendants membres de Community Futures qui se sont établis dans les régions rurales et dans le nord du Manitoba et de la Saskatchewan. 

Services ou produits offerts
  • Formation des compétences
  • Mentorship
  • Formation aux affaires
Community Futures Saskatchewan

Community Futures Saskatchewan

Les bureaux de Community Futures offrent des prêts, des services-conseils et du soutien aux propriétaires d’entreprises des régions rurales. Nous travaillons avec les entrepreneurs à toutes les phases de développement de leur entreprise. Community Futures encourage activement un développement économique communautaire qui favorise la diversité et la durabilité au sein des communautés. Les associations Community Futures Manitoba (CFM) et Community Futures Saskatchewan (CFS) représentent des organismes sans but lucratif indépendants membres de Community Futures qui se sont établis dans les régions rurales et dans le nord du Manitoba et de la Saskatchewan. 

Services ou produits offerts
  • Formation des compétences
  • Mentorship
Community Futures

Export Navigator

Nous aidons les entreprises à diversifier leurs activités et à grandir au-delà de la Colombie-Britannique en les guidant dans le processus d’exportation. En tant que membre d’Export Navigator, vous aurez accès gratuitement à un accompagnement individuel par votre conseiller à l’exportation personnel. Votre conseiller connaît votre région et votre communauté, et apprendra à connaître votre entreprise pour vous offrir des services personnalisés.  

Services ou produits offerts
  • Formation des compétences
  • Mentorship
  • Formation aux affaires
  • Conseiller

Réseau des femmes d’affairs du Quebec

La mission du Réseau des femmes du Québec est de soutenir et de contribuer à l'avancement des capacités de leadership des femmes entrepreneurs. Nous aidons les femmes propriétaires d'entreprises à accroître et à diversifier leurs réseaux de fournisseurs afin de mieux se positionner parmi les plus grandes organisations canadiennes et américaines qui réussissent.

Réseau des femmes d’affaires du québec logo
Partout au Canada

The Forum

Depuis 2022, The Forum a appuyé plus de 10000 femmes entrepreneures, et il demeure déterminé à faire en sorte que les entrepreneures qui s’identifient comme des femmes, tout comme vous, se sentent suffisamment outillées pour réaliser leurs ambitions. Nous mettons tout en œuvre dans nos programmes de formation et de mentorat, et dans notre communauté, axée sur la collaboration et les échanges, pour vous aider à fixer et à atteindre des objectifs d’affaires audacieux. Parce que nous savons que la meilleure façon d’assurer votre succès est de vous encourager à aller de l’avant et de vous soutenir de tout notre cœur. Maintenir notre engagement est le meilleur moyen d’assurer votre réussite.

Services ou produits offerts
  • Formation des compétences
  • Mentorship
  • Formation aux affaires
low resolution logo with words The Forum


As BC’s leading business resource organization for women, our passion is to support women entrepreneurs along their small business journey.

We exist to empower women entrepreneurs to make an impact in their communities and create opportunities in BC’s economy.

Services ou produits offerts
  • Skills Training
  • Advising
  • Formation des compétences
  • Conseiller
  • Accès aux capitaux
webc logo

PARO Centre pour l’enterprise des femmes

Le PARO Centre pour l'enterprise des femmes offre des programmes et des services aux femmes de tout l'Ontario qui sont prêtes à démarrer, à se développer ou à créer de nouvelles opportunités.

Services ou produits offerts
  • Skills Training
  • Formation aux affaires
PARO Centre for Women Entreperneurs bilingual logo

Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan Inc.

Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan Inc. (WESK) is a non-profit membership organization which works with women who are considering starting a business, purchasing a business, or operating an existing business. Our priority is to help women throughout Saskatchewan achieve their entrepreneurial goals. Programs and services offered by Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan include business advisory and support services, start-up and expansion lending, networking and mentoring opportunities, and business development seminars which focus on entrepreneurial skill development.

Services ou produits offerts
  • Skills Training
  • Advising
  • Mentorship
  • Formation aux affaires
  • Conseiller
  • Accès aux capitaux
WESK logo

Newfoundland and Labrador Organization of Women Entrepreneurs

NLOWE helps women entrepreneurs start, grow and advance successful, leading-edge businesses that capitalize on emerging economic opportunities. NLOWE stays ahead of the trends so that we can encourage business development in key growth sectors, and we offer training opportunities such as workshops and seminars to help women entrepreneurs take advantage of changes in the economy.

Services ou produits offerts
  • Skills Training
  • Advising
  • Mentorship
  • Formation aux affaires
  • Accès aux capitaux

Women’s Enterprise Centre of Manitoba

The Women’s Enterprise Centre of Manitoba has helped thousands of women throughout the province find information, improve their skills and acquire financing so that they can start, expand or purchase a business. Our team of committed and successful entrepreneurs and professionals deliver resources to support women at every business stage. We offer advisory services, in-person and online training and loans up to $150,000 to qualified businesses.

Services ou produits offerts
  • Skills Training
  • Advising
  • Mentorship
  • Formation aux affaires
  • Accès aux capitaux

Alberta Women Entrepreneurs

Alberta Women Entrepreneurs is an organization dedicated to enabling women to build successful businesses. We provide unique programs and services to women in business through mentoring, advising, financing and skills and network development.

Services ou produits offerts
  • Formation aux affaires
  • Conseiller
  • Accès aux capitaux

Join the network!

Make it easy for others within the ecosystem, as well as entrepreneurs in your region, to find your organization by joining WEOC as a member. All members are listed in our searchable database.