Trouver une organisation membre


YWCA Moncton

YWCA Moncton is a chapter of the national YWCA movement, which focuses on empowering women, girls, Two-Spirit and gender diverse people. For over 100 years, it has worked to advance gender equity through national advocacy and community action. Its goals include stopping gender-based violence, creating affordable housing and pushing for workplace equity.

Among its education and employment programs includes YW Employment My Way, a 12-week employment training program for women and gender-diverse individuals to build a business model for their current or future businesses. Workshop topics include how to do market research, financial literacy, marketing and communications, and more. The program also includes one-on-one training sessions and peer-support activities.

  • Skills Training
  • Advising
  • Formation aux affaires

North Forge

North Forge is the innovation partner for the Province of Manitoba and a not-for-profit business incubator accelerator that works with startups across Canada in science, technology, and advanced manufacturing.

We have worked with over 300 companies in the past 26 months and have created hundreds of jobs. Armed with one of North America’s largest, not-for-profit publicly accessible Fabrication Fab (FabLabTM), we operate out of over 25,000 sf across Innovation Drive and Innovation Alley here in Winnipeg. We also have locations in Pinawa and Thompson.

  • Advising
  • Formation aux affaires
  • Accès aux capitaux

L’association des femmes autochthones du Canada

#BeTheDrum est un programme de sensibilisation à l’entrepreneuriat et de navigation élaboré par l’Association des femmes autochtones du Canada (AFAC). Il s’agit d’une initiative de renforcement des compétences pour les femmes autochtones, les personnes bispirituelles, transgenres et de diverses identités de genre qui naviguent dans les espaces des affaires, de la gestion et de l’entrepreneuriat.

Notre programme repose sur quatre piliers:

  • Soutien individuel à la navigation.
  • Cercles de soutien par les pairs.
  • Ateliers et activités de réseautage.
  • Séances de questions et réponses en direct sur les médias sociaux.

Nous sommes des contributeurs, des inventeurs, des artisans et, surtout, des résolveurs de problèmes. #BeTheDrum est un appel à tous les entrepreneurs autochtones actuels et potentiels. Grâce à votre détermination, renforcée par notre mentorat, nous créerons des solutions pour faire avancer nos nations et pour aider nos collectivités à tracer une nouvelle voie vers la prospérité.

  • Skills Training
  • Advising
  • Mentorship

Community Futures BC

Community Futures British Columbia is the provincial association for the Community Futures Development Network of Canada. Through our 34 member offices, we provide business services and loans to new and experienced entrepreneurs in rural and remote communities, and we’ve been doing it since 1992. Since 1997 our Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program (EDP) has made it easier for entrepreneurs with disabilities or ongoing health conditions to pursue their business goals by providing access to a network of business professionals and resources. Using a GBA+ lens EDP is built on the intersectionality of diversification of our participants and equitable supports. The EDP program supports to a wide cross-section of entrepreneurs in both urban and rural communities throughout the province.

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Facilitez la tâche aux autres membres de l’écosystème, ainsi qu’aux entrepreneurs de votre région, en devenant membre d’OEFC. Tous les membres sont répertoriés dans notre base de données consultable.